Of The Many Lakes In Tawang

Of The Many Lakes In Tawang
When in Tawang, you can certainly not overlook the beautiful landscapes that surround the several lakes throughout. While there are 108 lakes in and around Tawang and all are equally beautiful, there are a couple of them that would take your breath away. All the lakes are considered to be of great religious significance in Tibetan culture.
 Without much ado, let the pictures do the talking further.
PT Tso
This one tops my list of favorites due to its location. You come across PT Tso while on your way to Bumla Pass. The lake looks breathtakingly beautiful under the morning sun, making a picture perfect canvas of the snowcapped peaks and conifers on the still waters.
You would find stark difference in the look of the lake once afternoon sets in. There are more ripples in the water compared to its stillness in the morning.
P. T. Tso during early morning
The P. T. Tso – How it appears during late afternoon. Don’t miss the difference in surroundings from the top picture


Sangetsar Lake
Formed in the aftermath of an earthquake in 1950, this lake is one of the must visit places in Tawang. The place is located at a distance of 42 Kms from Tawang city and is maintained by Indian Army. In case you do not carry eatables with you, you may enjoy the snacks and tea provided by the army. There is no charge for tea you only pay for the food.
Sit by the lake and watch the yaks grazing around, sipping your cuppa.
Sangetsar Lake


Shungetser Lake
Sela Lake
In close proximity to Sela Pass, lies the most picturesque and the heavenly Sela Lake. The lake stretches for a distance of 1 Km and attracts many.
The Sela Lake



Nagula Lake
This is another high altitude lake on the way to Bumla Pass. The lake remains frozen for most part of the year. Below are the pictures of some beautiful lakes.
Nagula Lake



On the way to Bumla Pass
A Lake At Y- Junction
P. T. Tso
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